"Dachi" or "Tachi" means stance in Japanese, and describes primarily the position of the feet in various Karate stances. Stances are very important in delivering power and also quick responses in various situations and are thus emphasis in Kihon (basic training). Strong stances can give a smaller person a significant advantage over a larger attacker.
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Karate is usually taught using the original Japanese terms, and that includes counting in Japanese. The second syllable is slightly suppressed, so "Ichi" becomes phonetically more like "itch!" and "Roku" sounds more like "Rokk".
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History of Krav Maga and it's Founder Imi Lichtenfeld

The history of Krav Maga is linked to the development of the state of Israel's military forces and life of the founder, Imi Lichtenfeld. As told, development of the state of Israel and the need for the Israeli military to protect its country in one of the worlds most hostile areas, gave base for creating Krav Maga.
Breaking is a martial arts skill, honed in art form, which is used in competition, testing and demonstration. The striking surface is usually a bare hand or a foot, but may also be a head, fingertip, toe, knuckle, elbow or knee.

The most common object is a wooden boards. But it is also to break other objects which include items like stones, blocks of ice, concrete blocks, bricks, baseball bats and more.
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Position 2:

Hold the tonfa by its end. In this position the tonfa is used as a club or hammer.

Position 3:

Hold the tonfa at its top. In this position the tonfa is used as a stick and is very effective for chokes and pressure points.
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Position I (basic position):

Hold the tonfa by its handle, below the forearm. Be sure to lock the thumb over the fingers and keep the wrist straight so that the tonfa stays down on the forearm.
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